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sandmen and sandwomen


Yeah, that looks like Teke. I don't know. Maybe they're the Skeet Skeets, whatever they are. So anyway, these guys didn't look very good in the beginning. They lost their first game to SAE in the finals 25-15 and didn't look like they knew how to hit the ball over the net. Or maybe they were just lulling Minh and Sam into their ultimate plan. But whatever they did, it worked. Steve, Keith and Amir took over in the final two games and though they had less overall points than SAE, they won the match in the last two games. Congrats to Teke Skeet Skeet for taking it all. And with everybody from their team coming back next year and both SAE and Team Euro graduating one of their best players each (Minh and P. Keith), they'll be even harder to beat. But there's always a few freshmen who find their way out to the beach, wherever it will be next year.

Teke Skeet Skeet
Teke Skeet Skeet, Spring 2004 Intramural Mens Beach Volleyball Champions


For the second year in a row, the same team that won the mens division also won the coed division. Last year it was the Psi Delt Pain Train and the Psi Delt Fratoragy. This year it was Teke Skeet Skeet and the Hoyas. And none of the people pictured above or below are Tekes or Hoyas. Who is naming these teams? Anyway, the guys on this team were very good, as evident by their victory in the mens league. But the reason both the Hoyas and Team Euro were in the finals was beacuse of their girls. The Hoyas had Maj-Lis Astrom and Team Euro had Erin MacElevney. And both girls are just as good as any of the guys on the team, and they'd be the first to admit it. That turned out to be a huge asset to both teams this year. And I think the edge went to the Hoyas only because Maj-Lis was out there playing volleyball in the beach more than anyone else. Congrats to everybody and thanks to Crystal Kessler for organizing the volleyball class' team, Set Me Up. Have a great summer and try to get to the beach to work on your game a little (and your tan).

Hoyas, Spring 2004 Intramural Mens Beach Volleyball Champions

wet game, but still on
May 3, 2004 - Yeah, I know it's drizzling off and on. But we have to play these volleyball games today. Thanks to a certain team's odd scheduling difficulties, we wouldn't be able to make up these games until Friday, pushing the postseason back to like, the summer. So we'll be playing through the rain. Suck it up! It's just wet sand. At least you don't have to play softball today too. See you there. No excuses.

April 26, 2004 -
"Like the rain I have fallen for you and I know just why you liked the rain always calling for you I'm falling for you now just like the rain." - "Like the Rain" by Clint Black

"Like the rain you come pouring down and postpone all our games just like the rain now I'm wanderin' round, and I remember why I never much liked the rain." - "Don't Like the Rain" - Dustin, Rec Sports

Once again, we have to postpone softball because of the darn rain. And for the first time, we have to postpone our volleyball games for the rain. I was doing fine until Geoff came back. Anyway, both fields should be ready for play by tomorrow and the make-up schedules will be up by the end of the day.

April 14, 2004 (1:58am) - I'm sure the last thing on your mind when you look outside is beach volleyball, but I'm just going to assume that the rain will stop eventually and we'll be able to get out there and play around in the sand a little bit. I went ahead and made the schedules assuming that the rain will subside and the tides will recess by early next week. At least all this rain will simulate the actual beach a little bit better. I'm thinking about throwing a bunch of shells around the court to further enhance the beach volleyball experience. Anyway, bottom line is that schedules are up and we'll start playing next week. And for the record, it's normally kinda hard to make the schedules around everybody's individual availability, but the volleyball schedules are a little trickier. Not only do I have to combat the normal "my team can only play at 1:00 on Friday" stuff, but I have to make sure that the teams don't have volleyball games during their already scheduled softball games. And vball runs every hour on the hour and softball runs every 1:15. That's fun in and of itself. Factor in the fact that Geoff won't be here for most of next week and now I have to split my attention between the two fields and make sure that I have softball umps when I need to be at the beach, and volleyball refs when I need to be at the field. Yeah, so before you go and criticize the volleyball schedules, compliment me on my outfit or something. There's a reason I'm still in the office at 2am and it's not for the crunch bars. I'm taking tomorrow off if anybody cares. See you on the beach. :)

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