Corporate Visibility Days

Each semester UMBC Career Services cuts out all the hassel by brining several employers to campus who want to hire you! Some employers headed your way this semester include General Electric, Deloitte, Erickson Retirement, GEICO, IBM and T. Rowe Price. Visit the Career Center's website or the Events tab in UMBCworks for information sessions, career-related workshops, and networking events.

10/17/2007 General Electric 11am-3pm UC 312

10/24/2007 Deloitte 11am-2pm UC 312

10/31/2007 Erickson Retriement 11am-2:303pm UC 312

11/07/2007 GEICO 11-3pm UC 312

11/14/2007 IBM 11am-2pm Commons 331

11/28/2007 T. Rowe Price 11am-3pm UC 312


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 4, 2007 9:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was ON CAMPUS RECRUITMENT .

The next post in this blog is ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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