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College Recruit 2008

January 28, 2008
Washington DC

College Recruit 2008 recruitment conferences are designed for one purpose - to help you find the job or internship you want, with the employer you want! Get MORE in just one day at a College Recruit 2008 recruitment conference:more company contacts, more first interviews, more second Interviews, more job offers, more opportunity to get the job you want, with the compensation you want, in the location you want! In addition to landing the best job - the job right for you - you should be able to make your choice from the largest, most attractive group of job offers possible.

By attending College Recruit 2008, our entire network of employer contacts will be at your disposal. Our network includes most of the Fortune 1000, plus over 2,000 additional companies and government agencies nationwide.

There is absolutely no charge of any kind to apply to be considered for a College Recruit 2008 invitation or, if invited, to attend. To be considered please visit the College Recruit website or complete the application available here.

Here are five reasons why attending College Recruit 2008 can help you accomplish your goals.

1. At College Recruit 2008 you can conduct as many first interviews in just one day as you can in one month on campus. In fact, students who attended College Recruit 2008 reported they more than doubled their interview total by participating.

2.Unlike other come-one, come-all career events, students attend College Recruit 2008 by invitation only. This means that if you receive a conference invitation, you will be one of a select group of students who will have exclusive access to conference employers, their job opportunities, and the College Recruit 2008 Student Network Service.

3. Invited students will interview with employers who have reserved job openings to be filled by students they meet at College Recruit 2008. WHY? Among other reasons, they pay a significant fee to attend, and as a result are very serious about getting results and justifying their investment. In addition, they recognize and highly value the extra effort and motivation students demonstrate by attending the conference.

4. There is absolutely no charge of any kind to apply to be considered for a College Recruit 2008 invitation or, if invited, to attend College Recruit 2008.

5. The high quality of the companies and organizations that attend.

Student Network Service

By attending College Recruit 2008, our entire network of employer contacts will be at your disposal. Our network includes most of the Fortune 1000, plus over 2,000 additional companies and government agencies nationwide.

At the conference, we'll provide you with information on how we can put your resume in the hands of employers you want to reach. The most powerful and effective job search strategy is still networking, and by attending College Recruit 2008, you will add us to your networking team.

This exclusive service will enhance your chance of obtaining more interviews and receiving additional offers -- particularly valuable this year.

There is absolutely no charge for the Student Network Service, but it is only available to students who attend a College Recruit 2008 conference


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The next post in this blog is NJ Collegiate Career Day.

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