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Full-Time-- Experienced

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science seeks Evironmental Economist
Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry
Solomons Island, MD
UMBCworks ID# 9221728

The University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) is seeking a senior researcher to work with a team of economists and ocean and environmental scientists on a variety of projects aimed at developing and applying new integrated decision-making tools to help guide environmental management, ecosystem restoration, and emergency response planning; and to perform integrated environmental/economic analysis of tradeoffs related to seaport development, dredged material management, and the treatment of ship ballast water to control aquatic invasive species.
Qualifications: Applicants with graduate degrees in environmenal economics are preferred, but an applicant with a graduate degree in engineering or science or environmental policy with a strong quantitative background and some familiarty with economics would also be a strong candidate. Applicants without graduate level college degrees who have experience or specialized skills in technical areas related to one or more of the research topics listed above are also encouraged to apply.

We are hoping to attract a candidate who is finished with his or her education and is interested in developing a career in research and consulting that involves using modern information systems and interdisciplinary analytical tools to evaluate increasingly complex and highly integrated environmental and economic problems.

How to Apply: Send cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references by February 15, 2008, to Human Resources, Reference: MERC, University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, P.O. Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688. Information can also be sent by email to: jking@cbl.umces.edu.


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