Diversity Recruitment Forum

Thursday, 4/3
Lunch: 12 noon; Speaker: 12:30 p.m.; Mini Fair: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
UC Ballroom

Employers who are interested in diversifying their workforce will be on hand to discuss career opportunities with in their organizations. Have free lunch and meet employers interested in your major. Mr. Tyrone Taborn, Chairman and CEO of Career Communications Group, will speak on “Cultural Intelligence: enhancing your marketability in the Growing Marketplace.” The event concludes with a networking fair. Dress professionally and bring several copies of your resume. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required. Priority will be given to Juniors and Seniors, but all students of all majors are encouraged to attend. Open online registration from March 10 - March 28 at http://www.careers.umbc.edu/news_events/diversity.php. Co-hosted by NSBE.


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