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On Campus

UMBC-Office of Student Life/Mosaic Center & Interfaith Center seeks Cultural Peer - Office Assistant
All Majors
UMBCworks ID# 9224031

All Cultural Peers will ~
•Work diligently to promote culture and diversity on campus, through programs and activities.
•Assist the various cultural, ethnic and faith-based groups on campus with event planning.
•Improve and promote resources and information within centers on culture, diversity, faith and spirituality.
•Assist with development of e-newsletters and webpage content for the centers.
•Perform other duties as assigned.

Office Assistants will~
•Staff the Interfaith Center and the Mosaic Cultural Center welcome desks, completing tasks as assigned.
•Act as a cultural ambassador to the UMBC community.
•Help to maintain a positive, inviting atmosphere and physical environment in the centers.
•Be willing and able to work at least 4 hours per week.
•Receive an hourly pay rate for time worked and pending satisfactory work evaluations.

•Must be committed to making a difference at UMBC;
•Must be able to express personal diversity philosophy;
•Must have an ability to demonstrate commitment to multiculturalism;
•Must be able to work with all cultural, ethnic and faith-based groups;
•Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and
•Must be a full-time, matriculated student at UMBC.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 27, 2008 9:15 AM.

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The next post in this blog is FEATURED JOBS.

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