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Rediscovering Your Passion: Finding the Work that You Love

$125 for a 2 day workshop + one follow-up appointment
Next session: April 24-25, 2008

Are you feeling stuck at work or in life?
Have you ever questioned if you have made the right career decisions?
Have you ever wondered if there is a better career match for you?

Finding the right career ultimately means knowing what you are passionate about. Whether it's through work, school or personal activities, knowing your passions helps you to focus your energies, find happiness in every day and feel more fulfilled. We should all strive to find work that we love.

This two day workshop helps you to do just that! Unlike other career assessments and workshops, you'll be able to assess your strengths and identify what you enjoy, things that you do well and events or experiences in which you take pride. It motivates you to succeed. Ultimately by learning more about yourself through this process, you open up new opportunities.

The workshop is designed for alumni who are seeking a career change, have been downsized from their current profession or are simply interested in exploring how they might enhance their current employment situation. Your registration also includes one follow-up appointment with one of your facilitators.
This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about what your true strengths are so that you can find your passion and finally find work that you love!

Complete the registration form online.

The focus in this workshop is a non-traditional job search process. Through guided group discussions, participants will:

* Identify what your good at and what you love to do
* Learn to articulate your worth to an employer
* Learn to make contacts whenever you may want them
* Succeed in interviews
* Work with a support team to increase self-confidence
* Develop a tool to help you be remembered and referred


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 27, 2008 9:07 AM.

The previous post in this blog was CAREER FAIRS.

The next post in this blog is I'm Hired! Now What?.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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