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Dependable Strengths for Grad Students

Saturdays, 10/4 & 10/7, 9am-5pm

Dependable Strengths is a two-part seminar which provides a safe place for graduate-level students to consider career possibilities inside and outside academia. Participants explore "good experiences" for patterns of strengths; explore career paths congruent with strengths; create a report that reflects strengths; learn to use the report to make connections and to improve interviews.

Space is limited; registration deadline is September 29th. Cost: $45. Registration form and more information will be available at http://careers.umbc.edu/skills/dsgrad.php

Are you feeling nervous about life and work beyond graduate school and your assistantship?
Are you questioning if you have made the right career decisions?
Are you confused about whether you should pursue a career in academia or in private industry?
As a soon to be Ph.D or Master’s graduate, you are armed with incredible expertise, valuable credentials, and endless possibilities! While all of this is exciting and positive, deep down, you might also be a little worried about how you are going to navigate the transition from graduate school to a faculty position or a new job in private industry. You are probably also a bit confused about where to start your job search and you definitely don’t have lots of time to waste.


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