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Full-Time Entry-Level Featured Job

Licensed SW - Recruiter/Homestudy worker
Children's Choice
UMBCworks ID#: 9230335 (login to UMBCworks via the Services tab in myUMBC)
Majors: Social Work

Provides recruitment, initial home evaluations of prospective resource/foster parents. Tasks include requesting of ad's in the area newspapers, arranging speaking engagements, attending placement meetings, screening referrasls, supervision of the placement of children and acting as a liason between Children's Choice, the Community and Resource Families.

Conducts home studies, participates in community events and creates awareness of the Foster Care/Kinship and Adoption services available to individuals and groups.

Must maintain confidentiality when obtaining references, clearances and other required documentation and makes appropriate recommendations for proceeding with the home study process.

MD Social Work Licensure, or approval to sit for examination preferred


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