Where the Girls Are: Promoting Equality for All Women and Girls

You are invited to submit a project for this year's Campus Action Project.
Selected projects will receive $1,000 - $5,000 in funding.

Submit your proposals online by *November 7, 2008*.

AAUW Campus Action Projects enable student leaders and campus faculty to
design and implement exceptional campus and community programs. This
year, eligibility for funding is limited to projects that address some
of the educational barriers faced by low-income and minority women and
girls. You can learn more about AAUW Campus Action Projects online

Campus Action Projects offer opportunities to

* Spread awareness about the educational barriers faced by women and
girls from minority and low-income backgrounds
* Implement exceptional projects on campus that can serve as models
for change
* Provide students with valuable leadership experience
* Present the project outcomes at a workshop at the National
Conference for College Women Student Leaders
<http://www.nccwsl.org/> in Washington, D.C., in June 2009

Application materials and more information
are available
online. For more information, e-mail cap@aauw.org
or call 202/785-7719.

AAUW breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all
women have a fair chance. Visit the AAUW website for more information.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 15, 2008 9:01 AM.

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The next post in this blog is GENERAL ANNOUNCMENTS .

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