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Part Time On-Campus Job

Student Worker
UMBC - Information Systems Department
UMBCworks ID#: 9231229 (login to UMBCworks via the Services tab in myUMBC)

The incumbent will provide administrative and clerical support to the undergraduate and graduate IS programs and departmental faculty. This incumbent will also serve as the front office receptionist answering telephones, routing and screening calls, greet visitors and direct them to the proper faculty or staff, respond to inquiries from the public, and provide information about the department. Specific duties including preparing correspondence and reports, maintaining undergraduate records and program files; assist with coordinating rooms, AV and facilities requests; distributing and compiling end of semester course evaluations; ordering books and managing materials requisitions, coordinating any needed services as cleaning, repairs, etc; and performing other duties as assigned. Would report to the office manager, Barbara Morris


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 10, 2008 9:09 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Full-Time Entry Level Job.

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