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Campus Visitation

Spring 2009 Campus Visitation Program (CVP), sponsored by The Office of Graduate Minority Programs (OGMP). This is an excellent opportunity for MARC Scholars who are ready to apply for a graduate program.

Campus Visitation takes place February 19-20, 2009 at the University of Florida’s Reitz Union. The Office of Graduate Minority Programs will provide your hotel accommodations, some meals, and will reimburse up to $100 worth of travel expenses to eligible attendees.

During the visitation students will have the opportunity to meet faculty and staff in their academic fields and take a tour of their departments’ academic facilities. There will also be information panels and workshops to address questions and issues concerning graduate education at the University of Florida.

To apply, students must submit a CVP application and undergraduate transcript(s) to OGMP. The application deadline* *is* January 10, 2009. *

Applications for our campus visitation can be found by visiting the Office of Graduate Minority Programs website at http://gradschool.rgp.ufl.edu/diversity/cvp.html. We recommend that MARC Programs sending three or more students be accompanied by a chaperone.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Janet Broiles at (352) 392-8364 or jbroiles@ufl.edu
or Sarah Traylor at (352)-392-6444
or saraht@rgp.ufl.edu <../../saraht@rgp.ufl.edu>.

Best wishes and Go Gators!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 15, 2008 9:01 AM.

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The next post in this blog is GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS .

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