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UMBC Career Center's Job Survey - It's Legit!

UMBC students registered for the Fall 2008 semester will be receiving an email soon asking them to complete a brief, online survey. The Career Services Center is interested in learning if students worked in part-time positions during the Fall 2008 semester and if so where they were working; or if not, where they may be interested in working during future semesters at UMBC.

It will take just a few minutes and is an easy way to earn a chance to win an iPod Shuffle! The winner will be randomly selected and notified of their selection on February 6th, so be sure to complete the survey before then.

All of the information you provide will remain confidential. Please feel free to contact Sue Plitt, 410-455-2340 or plitt@umbc.edu, if you have any questions. Thank you so much for participating!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 15, 2008 9:01 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Career Services - Open During Winter Break!.

The next post in this blog is Campus Visitation.

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