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Full-Time Job

High School Learning Specialist
St. Paul's School
UMBCworks ID#:9232442 (login to UMBCworks via the Jobs & Internships "Topic" in myUMBC)

Serve as a member of the St. Paul’s School Department for Student Services and Health under the supervision of the School Psychologist

Must have specific training and expertise in learning disabilities, speech and language development, learning and the brain studies, or school psychology.

Responsible for providing academic services in the form of academic coaching to students and consultation support for teachers and parents.

Work with students individually and in small groups to teach study skills, to coach executive functioning skills, and to directly support students who are academically vulnerable.

Collaborate with teachers to help them understand student’s learning needs and to differentiate classroom instruction for students with different learning styles or specific learning challenges. Coordinate learning specialist’s individually tailored work with students to teachers’ expectations for student performance.

Consult with parents in coordination with the school psychologist to help parents understand the challenges faced by academically vulnerable students in school, to help develop a plan for parental support, and to facilitate communication between and among the student, his parents, and his teachers.

Assist school psychologist in the development and implementation of a school based accommodation plan for eligible students. Assist School Psychologist in the application process for test accommodations from the College Board and ACT.

Participate in Upper School life. Serve as an advisor to 12-15 students. Contribute to the extracurricular life of the school through activities, athletics, or both.

For more information or to apply, please e-mail cover letter and resume to Rich Schellhas, Asst. Headmaster and Interim Upper School Principal at facultyhiring@stpaulsschool.org.


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