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Part-Time Job

Accounting Clerk
Ilex Construction & Development, Inc.
UMBCworks ID#: 9233612 (access via the Jobs & Internships tab in myUMBC)

The accounting clerk will be responsible for various general accounting activities.


1. Maintenance of subcontracts in the accounting database
2. Assisting with monthly Services billing
3. Pulling back up for monthly requisitions
4. Updating fields and pertinent information in the accounting database
5. Mileage tracking and creating General Journal Entries for auto, truck and gas expenses
6. Running and distributing accounting reports
7. Filing and packing boxes for off-site storage
8. Shredding old documents
9. Other special projects may be assigned.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 10, 2009 9:14 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Part-Time Job.

The next post in this blog is Full-Time Entry-Level Job.

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