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Grad or Senior-Level Programmer at Entity Mapping, LLC (FT/PT)

For more information and to apply for the Entity Mapping, LLC position login to your UMBCworks account (under the Jobs & Internships topic in myUMBC) and search for job # 9235948


This job opportunity offers compensation of between $18.00 and $25.00 per hour based on the skill level of the applicant and offers part-time (to a maximum of 30 hours per week) employment to a maximum earnings/pay-out of $10,000.


To build data correction and normalization capabilities as part of an enterprise solution for the effective analysis of massive, multi-source data sets. This is the first milestone of a multiple-milestone effort of ever more complex software development tasks required to create a fully developed enterprise analysis solution.


Grad Student, or Bachelor’s degree or near-Bachelor’s degree in computer science/programming with a concentration in C language and a working knowledge of C++, C#, Java, and XML. Using C language and data from any source, the successful applicant will be able to:

· Code/implement character string searches;

· Build weighting (such as frequency-counting) tables for fielded or un-fielded data inputs;

· Produce and maintain frequency counts for all significant input data to be defined by the specific application;

· Cross-index data to map relationships between files and/or graphs;

· Build weighted data equivalency tables;

· Build a B+ tree index/graph;

· Build and cross-index profiles for entities or events over time, and develop/implement business rules associated with profiles;

· Implement rules-based logic that considers all of the above in producing and validating end-results;

· Develop and implement logic rules directly from multi-source data;

· Build and maintain process output records and statistics.


The successful applicant must possess a GPA of between 3.25 and 4.0 on a 4-point scale, and be able to perform periodic work at a location in Severn, Maryland to obtain guidance, feedback, and oversight for specific tasks.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 5, 2009 9:15 AM.

The previous post in this blog was On-Campus Interviews: Upcoming Application Deadlines.

The next post in this blog is ON-CAMPUS RECRUITMENT .

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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