Evening with Industry: Featuring Non-Profit and Social Services

The UMBC Career Services Center will be hosting An Evening with Industry: Featuring Non-Profit and Social Services. This event will be held in the Public Policy lobby from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, Thursday, November 12, 2009.

This program has been created especially for you to meet and network with professionals working in various human services, arts and social science career fields and to learn about career opportunities. If you are interested in working in a career field where you can make a
difference you won't want to miss this free event.

There are several things you need to do prior to the event:

• RSVP via the events tab in UMBCworks.
• We will be sending an electronic resume book to participating
employers. You will need to have an approved resume in UMBCworks in
order to be included in the book.
• Put together a professional outfit to wear to the event.
• Develop a 30 second commercial so you are prepared to meet and greet
our guests (tips at http://careers.umbc.edu/skills/network/30sec.php)


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