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Old-School Joh Hunting Techniques that Still Work

When you talk about finding a job, the biggest changes have come from technology. Once upon a time, you couldn't look at listings online; you needed a newspaper. You couldn't save 20 different résumés on your computer; you had to type each one out on a typewriter.

Technology has certainly made some tasks easier, but are job seekers relying too much on it? We asked some experts if they thought job seekers were doing themselves a disservice by ignoring some old-school techniques. While no one thinks you need to toss your online tools aside, they suggest you go back to the basics to boost your chances of getting the job.

Read more by clicking here.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 3, 2010 9:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is May Grads: What Are You Doing after Graduation?.

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