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Interview with CIA

Are you interested in becoming an Analyst within the Directorate of Intelligence at CIA…
And wish to be considered for an interview in the Washington, D.C. area 20-22 September 2010?

If yes, and you meet the minimum requirements for the position - follow the instructions below:

Apply online at www.cia.gov to any of the following full-time analytical positions and analytical student opportunities:

Analytic Methodologist
Counterintelligence Threat Analyst
Counterterrorism Analyst
Economic Analyst
Graduate Studies Program – Analysis
Intelligence Collection Analyst
Leadership Analyst
Military Analyst
Open Source Officer
Political Analyst
Science, Technology, Weapons Analyst
Targeting Analyst
Undergraduate Internship Program – Analysis

Attach your resume, a cover letter addressing why you are a good fit for the position to which you are applying, and a writing sample.

You will be notified via email ONLY if you are selected for an interview. A PIN number will be sent for you to complete online testing. Testing must be complete before your scheduled interview.


U.S. Citizenship is Required.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 21, 2010 9:35 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Astra HR's Outside Sales and Telemarketing Open House.

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