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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 25, 2013 12:05 PM.

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Our students are accomplishing great things!

Aditi%20Bhaskar.jpegCongratulations to Environmental Engineering graduate student Aditi Bhaskar for receiving a Rising Young Star award at the 2013 Gordon Conference on Catchment Science, which was held Jun 16-21, 2013 in Andover, NH.

Regular conference meetings were preceded by a two-day Gordon Research Seminar, in which graduate students and post-doctoral investigators met as a group to share and discuss their cutting-edge research, build new scientific collaborations and prepare for their interactions with more senior scientists. The goal of the symposium was to promote networking among the young people in advance of the conference in a non-threatening, low-key environment. Students were required to apply in order to be allowed to give oral presentations, and the top three outstanding oral presentations were selected by a vote of all seminar attendees. Rising Young Star recipients were then given the honor of presenting their work to the general conference.

Ms. Bhaskar, who is a research assistant in the Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education (CUERE), did a wonderful job giving her presentation and received congratulations from attendees from around the world, many of whom are senior and well known scientists. CBEE is very proud of her remarkable achievement!