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Korea-Maryland Bio Expo and MOU with KORDI

IMET hosted the Korea-Maryland Bio Expo’s session on Bioenergy and Sustainable Aquaculture on November 4, 2011. Talks were given by IMET faculty members Drs. Russell Hill, Feng Chen, Yonathan Zohar, Sook Chung, Allen Place and Frank Robb, as well as by Dr. Deuk San Jeo from the Gyeongbuk Institute for Marine Bio-Industry.

A ceremony was held at the end of the session for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for research cooperation between IMET and the Marine Biotechnology Research Center of the Korea Ocean Research and Development Center (KORDI). The MOU was signed by Dr. Hyung-Soon Yim (KORDI) and Dr. Russell Hill (IMET).


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 27, 2011 12:25 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Vegetarian Fish? A New Solution for Aquaculture.

The next post in this blog is Sea Slug Photosynthesis is Enabled by Transferred, Functional Algal Nuclear Genes in the Slug Genome.

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