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NOAA-EPP Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center Summer Research Day

NOAA-EPP Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center (LMRCSC) Summer 2012
Interns presented the results of their projects on Friday August 3 at IMET.

This year students were able to participate in the following learning experiences:

Fisheries/stock restoration
Dr. Sook Chung: Measuring environmental and physiological stress and its impact on infection in blue crab by Hematodinium sps.
Dr. Sook Chung/Rose Jagus: Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the blue crab eIF4Es (Callinectes sapidus).
Dr. Rose Jagus/Adam Tulu: Characterization of CYP19a aromatase from Microgadus tomcod.
Dr. Rose Jagus: Optimization of methods for using RNA/DNA ratios to assess condition factor in menhaden.
Dr. James Pierson: Feeding and growth of doliolids as related to food concentration and temperature: Toward a model of doliolid population dynamics.
Dr. Allen Place: assessment of diet and feeding of menhaden using barcoding identification.

Essential Fish Habitat
Dr. Feng Chen: Analysis of dinoflagellate species and their distribution in the Maryland coastal bays.
Dr.s Rose Jagus/Al Place: Role of eIF4Es in the regulation of gene expression in the dinoflagellate, Karlodinium veneficum.
Dr. Eric Schott: Tracking pathogens of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) along the northern limit of its range.
Dr. Russell Hill: Aquaculture and microbiology of sponges from the Florida Keys.

Environmentally responsible aquaculture
Dr. Allen Place: Alternative, eco-friendly diets in high density cobia aquaculture.

Learn more about the LMRCSC by visiting: http://www.epp.noaa.gov/csc_lmrcsc_page.html


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