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Seminar 2/19/14: Fredrika Moser, MDSG

Wednesday 19 February 2014 at 3:00pm

Title: “Maryland Sea Grant: What's Up?

Speaker: Fredrika Moser, Ph.D.
Maryland SeaGrant

This talk will provide IMET faculty, staff and students with an overview of the Maryland Sea Grant College Program (MDSG). I’ll divide the presentation into three parts. First, I’ll explain the MDSG’s structure and our funding cycles and fellowship opportunities. Second, I’ll provide a sense of how Maryland Sea Grant fits into the crowded science and policy landscape of the NOAA, and Chesapeake and Coastal Bays and how we work with scientists, extension agents, government policy makers, and other audiences. Third, I’ll give a few examples of MDSG-supported projects to illustrate ways we have tried to connect science to outreach. In addition, I’ll ask Adam Frederick to provide an update on his work for MDSG in education and connecting with IMET. I hope this seminar can be highly interactive so that you can ask questions and I can learn about IMET faculty, staff and students, how we can best work together, and perhaps your past experience with MDSG.

Host: J. Sook Chung, Ph.D.


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