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IMET attends WAS Aquaculture 2016

Las Vegas, NV (February 26, 2016)

Several members of IMET, including faculty, staff, and students, attended the World Aquaculture Society’s Aquaculture 2016 conference in Las Vegas, NV this past week. IMET and Harbor Launch (the new startup incubator located at IMET) were joint sponsors of the event, and exhibited throughout the conference.

Overall, there were 7 talks given by people from IMET. Dr. Yonathan Zohar also chaired a day-long session on Genetic Engineering in Aquaculture.

For more information on Aquaculture 2016, please visit their website here.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 28, 2015 3:11 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Seminar 6/3/15: Dr. Todd Kuiken, The Wilson Center.

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