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Seminar 6/29/16: Dr. Daniel Rittschof, Duke Marine Laboratory

Wednesday 29 June 2016 at 3:00pm

Title: “Barnacle Biology: roles of peptides, innate immune response and glue curing in marine biofouling.

Dr. Daniel Rittschof, Duke Marine Laboratory

Barnacles are pervasive biofoulers. Managing barnacle fouling is critically important to ship energy consumption and performance, especially for ships like navy ships that spend long intervals docked. We’ve developed a barnacle model system using a barnacle that is easy to mass culture. Over the decades we’ve figured out how to interface living barnacles with fancy equipment and novel materials. This seminar will provide you perspective on barnacles, use of evolutionary concepts and medical models, as well as curing and functions of biological glues.

Host: Dr. Sook Chung, Ph.D.


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