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Seminar 3/1/17: Dr. Jackie Grebmeier, UMCES-CBL

Wednesday 1 March 2017 at 3:00pm (in MPR)

Title: “The Pacific Arctic Region: A Window into Shifting Benthic Populations in Response to Ecosystem Change

Dr. Jackie Grebmeier, UMCES Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

A key ecological organizing principle for the northern Bering Sea and the adjoining southern Chukchi Sea in the Pacific Arctic is that the shallow, seasonally productive waters lead to strong pelagic-benthic coupling to the sea floor, with deposition of fresh chlorophyll coinciding with the spring bloom as sea ice retreats. Both in situ production and advection of upstream phytodetritus to these regions support persistent biological hotspots that connect benthic prey to upper trophic benthivores. This northern marine ecosystem is dominated by marine macroinvertebrates (e.g. clams, polychaetes, and amphipods) that feed on the high production deposited rapidly to the seafloor, which in turn serve as food resources for diving mammals and seabirds, such as gray whales, walruses, and spectacled eiders. Between St. Lawrence Island and Bering Strait and northwards into the Chukchi Sea, the persistence of seasonal sea ice has significantly declined over the past two decades, and along with warming seawater temperatures, these changes have potential ramifications to ecosystem structure. Times-series data over the last 25 years indicate that these regions have experienced a northward shift in macrofaunal composition and a decline in core benthic biomass that matches patterns of reduced sea ice, warming seawater, and changing sediment grain size that relates to varying current patterns. This presentation will discuss these data in the context of both process studies from the region and results from the Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO), an international network of time series transects that is providing a framework to evaluate status and trends on a latitudinal bases in the Pacific Arctic region.

Host: Dr. Sook Chung


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