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Latasha Eley at 2013 NWSA

LLC Cohort 14 student, Latasha Eley, will be presenting her paper, "Black Women in College: Addressing Hair & Body Politics to Bridge the Theory Gap, at the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) Conference, Cincinnati, OH, November 7-10, 2013. The paper addresses college student development theories in relation to the experiences of Black women in college, and considers hair and body politics, body image, self-esteem, identity, conformity, and the ways these developmental issues affect Black women’s decision-making and success in college. Blending feminist and sociological identity theories with college student development theories yields a unique framework for understanding the Black, female college student experience. The aim of this work is to aid in the acknowledgement of the Black female college student experience as a point of encounter and knowledge production that is crucial to ensuring these students’ uninhibited access to higher education.

Information about the 2013 NWSA conference can be found here:

Latasha will also be inducted into the UMBC Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK-The National Leadership Honor Society) on Sunday, April 28, 2013.