
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 10, 2009 6:49 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Lisa Cella (Assistant Professor/Flute) performs at SoundON Festival of Modern Music.

The next post in this blog is Zane Forshee receives Fulbright Grant to Spain.

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« Lisa Cella (Assistant Professor/Flute) performs at SoundON Festival of Modern Music | Main | Zane Forshee receives Fulbright Grant to Spain »

Linda Dusman’s (Professor/Composition) magnificat 3: lament performed in Athens, Greece

Linda Dusman’s (Professor/Composition) magnificat 3: lament was performed by the Polish violinist Anna Zielinska at the ElectroMediaWorks 08 festival in Athens, Greece in May. A new work for two flutes, An Unsubstantial Territory, was premiered by the inHale Duo (Lisa Cella and Jane Rigler) in Piacenza, Italy in June. Dr. Dusman is also writing a bi-weekly blog for the American Music Center's New Music Box, and her article "Luminous Presence: Thomas DeLio's 'think on parch'" was published in Essays on the Music and Theoretical Writings of Thomas DeLio, edited by Thomas Licata.