
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 13, 2009 7:08 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Linda Dusman’s (Professor/Composition) magnificat 3: lament performed in Athens, Greece.

The next post in this blog is Certificate Students attend the Summer Institute at the New England Conservatory.

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« Linda Dusman’s (Professor/Composition) magnificat 3: lament performed in Athens, Greece | Main | Certificate Students attend the Summer Institute at the New England Conservatory »

Zane Forshee receives Fulbright Grant to Spain

Zane Forshee, Affiliate Artist in classical guitar, has received a Fulbright Grant to spend nine months in Spain. While in Spain, Prof. Forshee will be performing concerts, preparing a recording of 20th Century Spanish music, as well as conducting research for a book. He comments “I am very excited to have been chosen, and I feel honored to be given the opportunity to represent UMBC abroad.”