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« Seminar: Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012 at 3:30 pm | Main | Seminar: Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012 at 3:30 pm »

Seminar: Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012 at 3:30 pm

"From STEM To Stern(e)
Actually it was the other way around"
Dr. Susan Hoban
Associate Director for Academics
UMBC Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology

As an astronomer, I typically would be classified as a "Scientist," and of course, Technology and Engineering are at the heart of how scientists collect our data. We all agree that Mathematics is the language of science. It is the inextricable nature of these four subjects that is at the heart of the STEM education movement. The predicted need for scientists and engineers in America, and the corresponding lack of interest in these subjects demonstrated by American students, lends a sense of urgency to the movement. This talk will provide a brief summary of one astronomer's journey from the telescope to STEM teacher education and highlight some areas where university STEM faculty can contribute their expertise to the inspiration of the next generation of American scientists and engineers.

Location: Physics Bldg., Room 401