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Understanding Waitlists in SA

Are you wondering how waitlists work in SA? Below is an explanation of waitlist behavior in Student Administration, and pertinent information related to classes with waitlists.

Waitlist Behavior

* Waitlists have replaced Holdlists previously used.

* Students can waitlist for up to 10 credit hours. The 10 credit hours do not count towards the total amount of credits for a semester unless the student is enrolled into a class.

* A waitlist process is run periodically by the Registrar's office which identifies if open seats exist for a class, and if so, automatically enrolls students on the waitlist into the class according to the student's position on the waitlist; ie if there are two open seats in the class, students on positions one and two on the waitlist will be enrolled.

* Students are auto-enrolled from a waitlist into an open seat in a class ONLY if:

--There is not a time conflict between the student’s existing schedule and the class section for which they are waitlisted,
--Enrolling in the class will not exceed the student’s maximum credit limit for the semester.
-- Students are not already enrolled in a different section for the same class

* If a student is on the waitlist and does not meet the criteria to be added to the class, they will be skipped and the next person on the waitlist will be processed.

* A student will remain on the waitlist until they meet the requirements, or until they drop themselves from the waitlist.

* Students will receive an email to their UMBC email account when they have been moved from the waitlist and into an open seat for a class.

* Not all classes have a waitlist option available. Whether a class has a waitlist option is determined when the class is created by the department scheduling coordinator.

* Students must have permission to be waitlisted in Permission classes, i.e., Department or Instructor consent required.

* If a student is moved from the waitlist to a seat in the class, the student is responsible for all costs associated with being registered for the class. It is the student's responsibility to manage his/her schedule and ensure they meet or exceed the appropriate credits for either full-time or part-time status.

* Students who no longer wish to be enrolled in a section should remove themselves from the waitlist.

Wait List Behavior at the beginning of a Term:

The waitlists for a term will be in effect until the fifth day of classes for that term unless otherwise specified by the Office of the Registrar. At the end of business on this day, the auto-enroll process will be shut down and the waitlists will be purged. Departments may request a list of students on the waitlists for their sections from the Office of the Registrar.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 14, 2009 8:27 AM.

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