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FOR MORE INFORMATION, E-MAIL Vivian Armor at armor@umbc.edu
ENES 200: Introduction to Entrepreneurship - Wednesday from 4:30 -7:00pm.
This course will cover topics such as opportunity recognition, market assessment, feasibility plan, how to structure a new venture,
pricing strategies, legal issues, and financing the product or service. Students will develop a business plan as part of the course. The course
is listed under Engineering Sciences in the catalog and is open to ALL MAJORS.
ECAD 489: Seminar in Management and Administration - Tuesday from 4:30 -7:00pm.
The course will explore alternative management techniques and actions to implement in
designing an entrepreneurial plan. It will provide a format for setting up a corporation, designing a product or service to sell, and writing a
business plan. Must have junior standing to enroll.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 1, 2006 3:11 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Lockheed Martin Corporation is looking for interns.

The next post in this blog is Software Engineer Intern.

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