« Hardware internship with Mantaro Networks | Main | *Need Intern Credit?* »

Engineering positions with GE

Assignments in Design/Development may include using CAD design systems, trouble-shooting hardware/software, and designing/testing/debugging new functions/features. Assignments in Manufacturing/Sourcing could include
manufacturing engineering, shop operations, simulation modeling, lead-time reduction, sourcing, and quality.

Basic Qualifications:

Able to work for a minimum of 12 weeks in the Summer term, and 15 weeks in the Fall or Spring term
Must be willing to relocate to Laurel, MD
Must be pursuing a degree in Engineering
Must have Unrestricted Authorization to work in the US (please see below for details)

Required Credentials:

Basic Qualifications:

3.0 cumulative overall GPA or better

Able to work for a minimum of 12 weeks in the Summer term, and 15 weeks in the Fall or Spring term

Must be willing to relocate to Laurel, MD

Must be pursuing a degree in Engineering

Must have Unrestricted Authorization to work in the US (please see below for details)



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 10, 2007 4:31 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Hardware internship with Mantaro Networks.

The next post in this blog is *Need Intern Credit?*.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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