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Help Middle School Students Serve Their Communities

This is a unique opportunity to work with middle school students in conjunction with Students Sharing Coalition (SSC), a non-profit service-learning agency. SSC offers students in Baltimore City and its surrounding communities a program that provides them with the opportunity to earn up to 21 hours towards the state requirement of 75 service-learning hours for each student seeking a Maryland High School diploma.

Volunteers are desperately needed to help these students finish their service projects this quarter/semester: Shifts of 9 am-12 pm, 12-3 pm, or 9 am-3 pm. are available on:

- December 7th at William H. Lemmel Middle School (Northwest/West Baltimore)
- December 11th at Canton Middle School (Southeast Baltimore)
- December 14th at Chinquapin Middle School (North Baltimore)

If you'd like to sign up or want more info, contact Kristin McKennon at Students Sharing Coalition at kristin@studentssharing.org or at (410) 662-8999.

Since 1998, Students Sharing has offered Operation AWARE to Baltimore area middle school students--answering the call to place greater emphasis on middle school service-learning opportunities, so that fewer hours will be required during high school years. The program follows the State Department of Education's service-learning guidelines--including academic preparation, service activities, and structured reflection. It is our belief that in providing comprehensive, hands-on, experiential, and educational initiatives focused on community issues, we are fostering a generation of compassionate, informed and committed individuals who will find long-term sustainable solutions to the problems our communities are faced with today and in the future. For more info on Operation AWARE, go to http://www.studentssharing.org/Middle_school.html


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 29, 2007 11:51 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Southwest Airlines Seeks PAID Interns.

The next post in this blog is FANTASTIC Paid Internships ON CAMPUS at RWD Technologies!.

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