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Booz Allen Hamilton needs IT students

Interested in IT security or security analysis? Check out this position from Booz Allen Hamilton on UMBCworks!

As a Booz Allen Hamilton intern, you will support the development and execution of tailored testing strategies and plans based on Common Criteria ISO standards. Incorporate and use penetration testing tools as applicable. Support tasks to analyze security functions actively for design weaknesses, technical flaws, and vulnerabilities, recommend countermeasures, and deliver comprehensive results in a report to management and technical audiences. Apply knowledge of networking, basic computer science skills, and platform operating systems. Comprehend and adjust testing techniques appropriately to various system environments.

Apply via UMBCworks, or email your resume to cmille1@umbc.edu.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 21, 2008 10:56 AM.

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The next post in this blog is IT students needed for positions with Department of Defense.

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