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IT students needed for positions with Department of Defense

The Tricare Management Activity (TMA), Student Educational Employment Program provides Federal employment opportunities to students who are enrolled as degree seeking students taking at least a half-time academic, technical or vocational course load in an accredited high school,technical, vocational, 2 or 4 year college/university, or graduate/professional school. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable work experience, earn money while you continue your education, and be introduced to the advantages and challenges of working for the Department of Defense's TRICARE managed health care program which provides medical care for members of the uniformed services, their families, and retirees.

Apply via UMBCworks or email cmille1@umbc.edu. The deadline to apply is next week.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 21, 2008 11:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Booz Allen Hamilton needs IT students.

The next post in this blog is Mercer’s Health & Benefits Division seeks PAID Summer Intern in Baltimore.

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