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Black and Decker needs IT interns

Apply by emailing your resume to: ITinterns@bdk.com

The internship program within the Information Technology department of Black & Decker's Worldwide Power Tools Division began in 1997 with only a few students working for IT managers on a limited number of teams. Today, the program has grown to approximately 25 intern positions spread throughout the department.

Our interns have become key factors in achieving the IT department’s strategic goals of supporting Black & Decker’s global technology infrastructure and increasing the company’s workforce productivity throughout the world. The IT teams that sponsor intern
positions include:

• Global Technology & Operations: Help Desk Support, Site Support, Operations, Desktop Technology, Enterprise Server
Technology (Intel and Mid-Range), Database Administration, Storage Administration, and SAP Basis Technology teams.

• Global IT Business Systems: Supply Chain Planning, Demand Planning, Sourcing, Manufacturing, Distribution,
Transportation, Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Finance, Product Service, and e-Business teams.

Black & Decker maintains that the student's first priority is to complete his/her degree and to this end, each internship should be designed to complement the student's coursework. Therefore, our intern program is open only to full-time undergraduate college students.

If an IT internship at Black & Decker is something that you would be interested in, we encourage you to apply for acceptance into our program. To start, put together a resume that lists all of the relevant experience you have, including appropriate course work you’ve completed in school. Remember to include your anticipated date of graduation.

Although a cover letter is not required, it is often a good chance for you to tell us a bit about yourself and what you are hoping to gain out of this internship. Then, as openings occur, we match prospective candidates with open positions. If you are selected, we’ll contact you to setup an interview.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 14, 2008 4:05 PM.

The previous post in this blog was IT interns needed at eDaptive Systems.

The next post in this blog is 10 summer IT positions available at Prometric.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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