« Paid Graphic Design Internship Opportunity ON CAMPUS at The Shriver Center | Main | Immerse Yourself In Service! »


Develop your leadership abilities by serving as Intern for the Fall 2008 Semester for one of the following service-learning sites at The Shriver Center:

The Choice Program's College Night
College Gardens
Education Based Latino Outreach (EBLO)
Helping The Homeless
MS Swim

Interns are responsible for encouraging and monitoring that volunteers meet requirements of the 096 practicum: 3-5 hours of service per week (30 total for the semester), maintain time sheet to document hour completion, participate in group reflections, submit journals, and evaluations at the end of the semester. Stipends range from $500-$750 for the semester.

In light of the recent tragedy of the loss of a fellow UMBC student, the deadline for the application submission has been extended to Tuesday, May 6th at noon. Applications can be downloaded at http://www.shrivercenter.org/service_forms.html at the bottom of the page as "Service-Learning Intern Application - Fall 2008." More information and time requirements involved are further detailed within the application. Applications should be submitted to Lori Hardesty either at The Shriver Center or via email at lhardesty@umbc.edu. Please note that interviews will take place immediately afterwards between May 7th-May 12th. A timely submission will increase your chance to be invited in for an interview!!!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 2, 2008 6:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Paid Graphic Design Internship Opportunity ON CAMPUS at The Shriver Center.

The next post in this blog is Immerse Yourself In Service!.

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