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PAID Web Internship in UMBC's Office of Undergraduate Education

UMBC's Office of Undergraduate Education is looking for an intern to help maintain and updated their website. The goal is to keep the site fresh and responsive to student's ways of looking a t the world and gathering information. OUE is open to creative ides as well as ideas related to the efficiencies and optimization of function. The internship would begin as soon as the student is available and would ideally continue into the academic year, if things can be worked out with schedules. The position is PAID, beginning at $8.00 per hour, commensurate with experience. Credit options can be discussed with The Shriver Center, based on job responsibilities and how far along in your coursework you are.

Send resumes via email to Mike Oettel, The Shriver Center, at moettel@umbc.edu. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 10, 2008 10:49 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Do you want to work in the TV industry?.

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