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Videography Intern Needed for UMBC Athletics

UMBC Athletics would like to offer an ongoing internshi for a student interested in videography, video production, content production, etc. in an athletic environment. They have numerous projects that would provide outstanding learning opportunities and hands-on experience. Such projects may include the production of six-eight video vignettes per semester, featuring our student athletes and being available on www.umbcretrievers.com and UMBC's you tube, production on a thirty-minute coaches program, which would air on WVIE (AM 1370) radio and be streamed live on www.umbcretrievers.tv and other pieces to air on nearly 50 radio and video streamed UMBC athletic events.

If interested, apply to this internship via Internships Posted through the Shriver Center on UMBCworks.

Not released to apply to intern positions on UMBCworks, visit:


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 7, 2008 9:19 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Obtain Credit this Fall for your Internship, Co-op, or Research Position.

The next post in this blog is Smith Barney in Annapolis Seeks Financial Consultant Intern.

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