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Lockheed Martin internships for IT students

Apply online via UMBCworks!

Lockheed Martin is a highly diversified $39.6 billion advanced technology company and the strategic leader in the aerospace industry with major positions in information systems, software development, space, launch vehicles, aeronautics, electronics, environmental services, and energy programs. The vision of the Corporation is to be the world’s premier systems engineering and technology enterprise. To meet that vision, Lockheed Martin will continue to build on its history of success in identifying and capitalizing on key information systems, electronic, aerospace, and energy technologies. The Corporation is organized into four core business areas: Aeronautical Systems, Space Systems, Electronic Systems, and Information Systems & Global Services. Within these four businesses are nearly fifty major businesses with locations in most of the fifty states and around the world.

Job description:
Lockheed Martin offers the opportunity to work on teams of highly skilled professionals to solve some of the most challenging and exciting engineering, information systems, and software development problems in the world. As an integral part of the team, your ideas will have impact and your performance will make a difference. In our highly competitive, high technology, world-wide marketplace, we are looking for college students and graduates ready to reach the pinnacle of technology. One interview with Lockheed Martin makes you a candidate for positions in our many businesses across the country. We can give you a world of choices for a bright and exciting career.

-2.8 GPA
-US Citizen or Permanent Resident
-BS or MS degree, graduation dates: May ‘10 - May '11
-Engineering (Aerospace, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical) and Computer Science majors

Please only submit your resume to one interview schedule. Duplicates submissions will not be accepted.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 15, 2008 9:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Microsoft Internships.

The next post in this blog is Shriver Center Lunch and Learn: Finance - Sept. 22, Noon, Commons 331.

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