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Legislative Intern Needed

Good policy intern needed for Delegate Jon Cardin's legislative office starting in early January. This person will be preparing legislation, drafting amendments, prepping witnesses, and negotiating coalitions. Delegate Cardin focused mostly on environmental, tax, education, and finance issues.

A small stipend for gas and food (about $750) available. Minimum 20 hours per week.

If interested, apply via UMBCworks or send your resume to Christine Routzahn (routzahn@umbc.edu) at The Shriver Center.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 7, 2008 1:06 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Fantastic PAID Internship with Northwestern Mutual, plus On-Campus Interviews!.

The next post in this blog is Career Seminar- Sponsored by ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY INC., THETA ETA CHAPTER.

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