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PAID Intern with Baltimore County

Promote RECYCLING as a PAID INTERN with Baltimore County' Bureau of Solid Waste Management!

The Bureau accepts resumes (on an ongoing basis) from motivated, talented individuals with an interest in recycling and waste prevention. As a paid ($8/hour to start) Baltimore County employee, our interns.

· Gain purposeful work experience in an office environment;
· Apply and develop skills in public relations, graphic design, research, writing, and/or other areas;
· Provide input and receive feedback as part of a team promoting recycling, waste prevention, and best solid waste management practices;
· Enjoy the benefits of part-time Baltimore County employee status (including sick and vacation leave, as well as eligibility for County training programs and jobs);
· Learn more about how local government works; and
· Work flexible schedules customized to academic, job, and other commitments!

If this internship program seems like a good fit for you, why "waste" any more time? Become a part of a proud tradition (nearly 80 interns since 1991)!

Submit a resume and cover letter to Tim Dunn, Public Information Specialist, via e-mail (tdunn@baltimorecountymd.gov). For more information, call 410-887-2790.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 18, 2008 12:32 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Incredible Paid Marketing and Creative Internship with Erickson!.

The next post in this blog is Three myths about Internships, Research, and Co-ops.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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