« Ending Sweaty Palms: Intern and Co-op Interview Skills Workshop | Main | Obtain a Great Internship via UMBCworks/Shriver Center »

Engineer your path to success. Intern with TAC

TAC Americas is seeking individuals driven by a desire to impact the world. We are a company committed to saving energy and the environment, protecting people and property and gwing people and our business. TAC is on the cutting edge of innovation with high-tech building automation and security.

Currently, TAC Systems Integration is seeking talent to collaborate with a team to design, install and service building automation control and facility management systems in the following internships: SYSTEMS APPLICATION ENGINEERING & PROJECT ENGINEERING

Seeking Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science & IS majors! Deadline to apply via UMBCworks, February 5th.

If interested apply via UMBCworks or send your resume to Christine Routzahn at The Shriver Center (routzahn@umbc.edu)

Directions on how to use UMBCworks to apply for Internships


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2009 11:15 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Ending Sweaty Palms: Intern and Co-op Interview Skills Workshop.

The next post in this blog is Obtain a Great Internship via UMBCworks/Shriver Center.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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