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Governor's Summer Internship Program Applications Now Being Accepted!


The Governor's Summer Internship Program was created to introduce college students to the unique challenges and rewards of working within Maryland State Government. For 10 weeks, beginning June 1st, GSIP Interns will:

* Work on substantive projects with senior-level public administrators and policy makers, in departments or policy areas that closely correspond with each intern's field of study or career interests. Duties often include attending meetings, drafting correspondence, tracking legislation, and researching policy options.
* Develop policy papers that address significant issues facing Maryland today. These papers, researched in teams, are presented to the Governor and/or other senior staff members at the end of the program.
* Attend site visits and seminars designed to introduce interns to specific rewards and challenges of public administration.
* Gain valuable exposure to the tremendous talents and resources of Maryland State Government while earning a $3,000 stipend.

To apply, visit the website that is linked above in order to download the application. For questions not able to be answered via the information on the website, contact Mike Oettel at The Shriver Center, moettel@umbc.edu.


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