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Volunteer This Spring & Make A Difference!

Register for a Service-Learning placement by Friday, February 27th, and receive a transcript notation through the Service-Learning Practicum!

The following service sites still have a limited number of openings. Transportation is provided!

Adult Literacy Program: Provide literacy and math skills training to a diverse population of adults. Thursday, 5pm-8:30pm.
College Gardens Youth Program: Tutor children in academics and provide interactive recreational activities. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (you choose which day to attend), 2:15pm-5:45pm.
College Night Mentoring Program: Assist participants in The Choice Program with academics and development of positive social skills. Monday and Wednesday (you choose which day to attend), 5pm-8:15pm.
MS-Swim: Assist with water-based physical activity for adults with Multiple Sclerosis. Friday and Sunday (you choose which day to attend), 1pm-4pm.
Project Team: Work with youth to stress teamwork and unity through fun and creative group activities. Monday and Wednesday (you choose which day to attend), 4-7pm.

The registration deadline for all Spring Service-Learning placements is Friday, February 27th. Call The Shriver Center (410.455.2493) to make an appointment with a Service-Learning Program Coordinator to register for a site.

Learn more about all of the service-learning opportunities available through The Shriver Center by visiting our website: http://shrivercenter.umbc.edu; click on Service-Learning; click on Forms.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2009 4:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Go On the Road to GAF Materials.

The next post in this blog is Paid Service-Learning Intern Position Available.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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