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Summer 2009 On-Campus Undergraduate Research Position in Computational Linguistics

The Institute of Language and Information Technologies at UMBC is seeking several self-motivated undergraduate students who are native (or very near native) speakers of English to work as research assistants this summer on a project in the field of computational linguistics. No special skills are necessary - you will be trained on the job. If interested, please contact Dr. Marjorie McShane (marge@umbc.edu) with a resume and cover letter.

Your cover letter, which should be brief, can be written in the body of an email message. It should indicate your knowledge of English (native speaker or not), your major, your availability over the summer (e.g., whether or not you are taking classes), the name of one or two professors who can act as references, and any constraints on workplace you might have (i.e., Can you work at the university every day? If not, then where can you work and how often can you come to the university?).

Salary Level: $10/hr.
Minimum GPA: 3.0


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The next post in this blog is Engineering Students - Intern at GAF/Elk Materials!.

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