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Killer PAID Music Business Internship!

Quickstar Productions in Baltimore is looking for an intern who wants to learn the music biz!

The responsibilities of the intern would be focused on helping with tasks such as client scouting, client management, and contract negotiations. Students would gain experience in handling clients for the acquisition through the sales process with email and phone interactions. General office duties like product preparation and shipping, as well as proofing and interoffice relations would apply periodically. If applicable, the intern would handle tech based operations such as graphic design elements and music mastering. The intern would also closely shadow the B2B manager to completely understand the day to day operations of a company, as well as the problem solving and quick thinking skills required to run a small business. Position pays up to $8.50/hour and requires a minimum of ten hours a week.

To apply for this position, visit UMBCworks and search for position number 9234563. Contact Mike Oettel at The Shriver Center, moettel@umbc.edu with questions.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2009 10:29 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Dance Majors Needed - $35/hour Internship!.

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