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Entrepreneur Speaker Series

September 30, 2009, 5 - 6 p.m. • UC 310
Guest Speaker:
Kathryn Freeland, Founder and CEO
Freeland and Associates, LLC
and Author, Navigating Your Way to Business Success: An Entrepreneur’s Journey

Kathryn Freeland went from having a 9 to 5 job to realizing the empowerment that
comes from being your own boss. She is a serial entrepreneur and author of Navigating
Your Way to Business Success: An Entrepreneur's Journey.

Freeland's first business, RGII Technologies, Inc., was an information technology,
systems integration, and engineering solutions company that served nine presidential
cabinet agencies of the federal government. During her tenure as CEO, RGII
Technologies, Inc. more than tripled in size with revenue growing 4,800% over an 11
year period. She successfully sold the business to Computer Horizons Corp. in 2003. Freeland's current business, Freeland and Associates, LLC, is a consulting services firm
specializing in executive advisory services and support.

Freeland's first book, Navigating Your Way to Business Success: An Entrepreneur's Journey, was published July 2009. It does not focus on the perceived glamor of business ownership, but emphasizes the importance of navigating around the roadblocks that every entrepreneur will face at various stages of business growth. By navigating the roadblocks and devising solutions for overcoming the challenges, an entrepreneur's vision can be achieved. However, it is important for an entrepreneur to strike the right balance in their lives in order to avoid the proverbial burnout. Get a glimpse of what being an entrepreneur really entails, and get strong advice on how to achieve balance of business ownership while also maintaining a balance with those things that are important, i.e., spirituality, family, and personal relationships.


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