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DO WHAT YOU LOVE- Entrepreneur Speaker Series

October 26, 2009
12 - 1 p.m. • UC 310
Presenter: Crystal Moll, Fine Artist

Crystal Moll is a fine artist. For the past 20+ years she has been using the neighborhoods of Baltimore as the subjects for most of her painting. While in college, her studies included both Fine and Professional arts. She wanted to learn how to paint, but was always concerned with the need to earn a living. During her studies and after, she ran an advertising design studio in Philadelphia.Her fine art studies helped her become a better designer and once she became
a full time painter, her advertising skills were used to promote her fine art endeavors. Unlike many artists, Crystal chooses to "represent" herself for the most part, maintaining control over all facets of her business.

She believes the more tools in the tool box the better. Come listen to her discuss her entrepreneurial journey and the importance of taking advantage of educational, personal and professional support.


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